Still trying to calibrate New Content here…

…what (non-political) stuff generally do you folks want to hear about? More gaming, more on books, movie news, what? I’m already trying to ramp up my creative output, but there’s a limit to how much of that I can do a day.

18 thoughts on “Still trying to calibrate New Content here…”

  1. Books and music is my vote. Have you seen any of the new Lindsey Stirling videos? Some great music.

  2. I like the Adventure, item, etc. seeds. Also there’s other things in the news besides politics, like the Olympics are shaping up to be a real disaster.

        1. Yeah, the Moe writing these days seems .. happier.
          Odd, isn’t it, that one of the secrets to happiness may be deliberately ignoring what the fools are up to?
          ’bout the only thing I’d suggest is an increase in the interactive area – consider hosting a story round or GM’ing a game of sorts (“naked dungeon crawl”, no not X-rated, naked because the GM isn’t behind a screen, nothing is secret) ..
          Not sure how to pull this off, but I suspect it’d be fun to watch.

  3. Go deeper with your reviews of everything, especially games, need a better understanding about the mechanisms and play style to determine if it is for me.

      1. Retro-game revisitations/AARs are fun too. I used to be on the Paradox Forums, and we used to do full-scale novel-sized stories of our Europa Universalis games. Sorta like I’m thinking of doing with my football manager save soonish…

  4. Movies would be good. Reviews from certain, ah… perspectives are hard to find. I.e. Howard Taylor is great, but even he flirts with the preachiness sometimes.

    1. Agree here. Even staying as non-political as possible, there is an unremitting bias against certain forms of movie/TV/games that encourage traditional values. Any counterweight to that is a good thing. And I’m not saying twisted is bad. I liked The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, as overt as its agenda was. But I don’t want ALL writing/movies/games–and their reviews–coming from that slant.

      Call me a Sad Puppy if you wish. But good writing should support good writing, even if you don’t like every corner it goes down.

  5. Food blogging?
    Reviews of free to play/pay to win games?
    Reviews of tv/movies from particular times? 90s? 80s? 50s?
    Get a mildly exotic pet and blog about that?
    Start a trendy diet/exercise program and blog about that?

  6. Books, games, movies, music, art- all of these are good. I appreciate the refuge from the Mad Max Thunderdome the rest of the internet commentariat has turned into.

  7. Blog what makes you happy.
    Laugh and the World Laughs With You (An a’ that, an a’ that.)

    1. I agree. I like what you are doing and would enjoy seeing more of the same.

  8. Maybe I missed something. I like your writing on politics but as I see it you rarely write about politics anymore. I like science fiction, music, and games (well one game, Tibia) but I don’t read much *about* science fiction music or games.

    I’m so depressed about politics I can’t stand to read much about that either so I can understand why you might be backing off from it. There isn’t much fun in it anymore. I’ve got six days of posts in the feed and I don’t see anything about politics other than a post asking for more ideas for posting about other than politics.

    I don’t know who your audience is. You asking us what we like means you have some questions about your audience. Have you ever done a survey?

    1. It’s not ‘rarely:’ I’ve flat-out stopped. So, basically, this is a website that’s more or less transitioning into a kinda-new website with the same name and URL (I possibly should have turned this one off and started a new one, but then traffic might have utterly collapsed). So, hey, teething pains and stuff. I’ve never been shy about looking for ideas. 🙂

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