7 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, And You Think *I* Write Weird Things edition.”

  1. Oh, it’s a romance novel. I have no idea who exactly is the target audience for a romance novel involving angels, vampires, terrorists, cowboys, and Norsemen, but I’m sure it exists.

  2. At least it’s not dinosaur porn.
    I was wondering WTF until I reached the Avon label. Then it all became clear.
    I’m not a fan of the romance genre.
    Back in the day, The Science Fiction Book Club sent me a copy of “Outlander” because I didn’t return my postcard in time (and presumably, because they didn’t bother to read it). It wound up becoming one of the most popular romance novels of all time, but I didn’t know that when it came in the mail, and I said “Cool! Time travel!” (Which it really doesn’t have, BTW. She falls asleep, and wakes up in the past. She doesn’t wonder about it, and makes no attempt to return.)
    The big thing to know about the book, is that the protagonist is a sociopath with very few redeeming qualities, but since she’s the female lead, she is portrayed sympathetically at all times.
    I seriously couldn’t come up with a more cynically misogynist caricature if I tried.
    But a significant percentage of women ate it up. (I try to avoid understanding the implications of that.)

  3. Author… cannot… stop… adding… modifiers!



  4. I also have to say that that is the most hilarious book blurb I have ever read. Thanks Moe.

  5. Well, yes. You do write weird things. I write werewolf/rock star/nymph romances (not all together) weird things. This woman obviously writes weird things. There is a huge, huge audience of readers who crave weird things. I admit the blurb reads like one of the romance parodies my posse and I sometimes write – vampires AND vikings AND time travel AND nitty gritty contemporary terrorists – but it’s Avon, and they don’t buy unless they think they can sell.

    And a gentle correction, Luke – she didn’t fall asleep, she was wide awake when she tumbled through the portal (because, like a dumbass, she touched the standing stones that radiated a powerful Don’t Touch Us We’re Magical vibe) and she did indeed try to get home, more than once, before she finally made it. And there is absolutely nothing sociopathic about her character.

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