‘Kylo Ren reacts to Rogue One Trailer 2.’

Got sent this via email, and I gotta say: it’s spot-on, in its way.  Particularly the ending.  The terrifyingly possible ending that I had not yet considered before watching this, and now my heart is full of fear.

Watch it, and you will understand.

3 thoughts on “‘Kylo Ren reacts to Rogue One Trailer 2.’”

  1. If they managed to get JEJ to do the voice again, I could care less who they put in the suit. It would be unlikely they would get Hayden to do it, since he would just be running around in the suit. Just get a random tall guy to do it.

  2. I actually, literally laughed out loud: “Where can I get a stick? I’d be unstoppable!”

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