:brightly: Two weeks!

Two weeks before the new school year. I dunno if I’m ever going to get used to how early the school year starts down here. Not that I mind, of course. If for no other reason than it means I can get an earlier start on turning the living room back into something that’s fit for human consumption. This room is pretty much the major staging area for the house.

…No, I don’t know why anybody would care about this, either. Sorry: I got distracted by an exceedingly strange game this morning that took most of the day to play.

7 thoughts on “:brightly: Two weeks!”

  1. 2/3 of my kids start this Thursday.
    I’m torn between wondering where the summer went, and breathing a sigh of relief that it’s almost over.

    1. Not exactly riveting hard scifi. On the other hand, I cleaned a significant portion of the kitchen waiting for energy.

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