So, yeah, I’m just waiting for the Luke Cage series to drop.

Supposed to be available at midnight: I’ll watch one episode now, then catch the rest of Luke Cage over the weekend*.  I’d do it all tomorrow, but I have actual stuff to do.  Including a couple of deadlines.

Moe Lane

PS: The chili Fritos thing went fine.  I baked mine; my wife just told me to nuke the chili and pour it over the dang Fritos already, because she was hungry.  She ate two bowls, so I’m scoring that as a win despite the utter lack of cooking involved.

*Assuming it doesn’t suck, of course.  But a lot of the reviews assure me that It Does Not Suck.  So we’ll see, eh?

3 thoughts on “So, yeah, I’m just waiting for the Luke Cage series to drop.”

    1. Nah, I can’t stay up all night to watch episodes: I got to get the kids out in the morning, deal with a weird oil smell in the basement, and maybe get the cat to the vet. This stuff stacks up.

  1. Watched Critical Role, now watching the opening moments of Luke Cage. (West Coast and a night owl.)

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