7 thoughts on “…Dang. That was cool.”

    1. I’m trying to decide – if the Cubs win the World Series, is that the fourth seal of the apocalypse, or the fifth?

      1. It’s a sign that The World Series has become just another championship, one the Marlins have won twice.
        So I’ve got mixed emotions.
        (Still rooting for the a Cubbies, of course. How could I not?)

    2. OTOH, my beloved Dodgers lose…
      Gotta admit, tho’, the Cubs have a super-impressive W/L ratio this season.
      For the World Series, it’s “Go NL!”

  1. Hard to pick which talent is higher, his singing(bonus for no scales) or the painting(bonus for upside down).

  2. Ok, yes, that was cool. I had no clue what he was trying to paint until the end.

    In other sports news, SMU beat Houston, who was highly favored. So my dad’s happy, anyway.

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