Marine Forces Celestial (MARFORCES) [In Nomine]

This blast from the past is from almost a decade ago: I wouldn’t put it back up, except that it is the USMC’s birthday and I was always fond of the writeup. Set in the In Nomine universe, in case you were wondering. Also, yes: blame the song.


Marine Forces Celestial (MARFORCES)

(Motto: “Semper. Fidelis.”)

To begin with, these are not the “Heavenly Marines.” This is a field command of the United States Marine Corps. They are merely… very much outside of regular communication with the National Command Authority. Yes, there is some communication; the situation is very complicated, and most of the details are classified anyway. Suffice it to say that accommodations have been made.

MARFORCES is a fully volunteer organization open not only to formerly-corporeal Marines (mere death isn’t enough to make a Marine an ex-Marine), but to any blessed soul who thinks that he – or she, these days – can hack it. A surprising number do; and a surprising number can’t. Celestials are not permitted in the ranks unless they have previously honorably served as United States Marines as part of their Role. Generally, blessed souls will retain their earthly ranks, although there is considerable pressure to fill and maintain MARFORCES’ own, extremely strict, readiness standards.

Service in MARFORCES is tailored to appeal to career military: it neatly eliminates virtually every unpleasant aspect of soldiering in order to focus on training and field maneuvers. The training is on every conceivable topic of interest to military science (in some ways, combat techniques are the least emphasized, or at least most generally assumed), often taught by the absolute experts in their field. The field maneuvers are in the depths of the Groves, and take advantage of the surprising range of micro-climates to be found there. Then, of course, there’s guard duty – the exclusive privilege of Alpha Marine Division, and one jealously protected.

Lastly, there’s the Final Battle. MARFORCES is not unique. There are many Heavenly organizations set up that echo or extend worthy corporeal military forces, from the Roman Legions onwards. But MARFORCES considers itself to be the best of them, and it has every intention of proving it when it comes time for the final assault on Hell. Or, more tragically, when it comes time to hold back the Horde from the walls of Heaven itself…

Bth Marine Expeditionary Force (B MEF, pronounced ‘Behemoth’; commander: Lt. General; motto: “Why you joined.”)

The ‘B’ is an approximation of the celestial number actually used, which means “one more than whatever number the USMC is using for its Expeditionary Forces on the corporeal plane.” B MEF’s total troop strength has been carefully not spelled out in order to permit individual GMs the opportunity to customize for their own campaigns, but it must be noted that as described the Force rivals if not exceeds the size of the entire USMC on Earth. It can easily be made even larger without losing any efficiency, given that many of the small problems and restrictions that collectively plague corporeal armies simply do not exist in Heaven.

Subordinate Groups

Alpha Marine Division (AMD; commander: Major General; motto: “Cut you if you stand.”)

AMD is tasked with being a primary response force in case of invasion, as well as a secondary strategic reserve for the Host. It also assists with Heaven’s physical security, including ceremonial guard duties. AMD’s combat engineers concentrate on static defense, and are thus organized at the regimental level in order to better coordinate their efforts. Similarly, the light recon troops are working from the advantage of intimate knowledge of the terrain, and can thus be used as a rapid-reaction force. Note the anomalous artillery battalions, which are not organized on the regimental level.

AMD mostly coordinates with the Words deemed unlikely to be involved in the front lines of Armageddon, such as Flowers and Destiny. The primary strategy in case of a full-fledged demonic invasion is to decisively strike at the incursion points, throw back the invasion if possible, and make a fighting retreat to Jacob’s Ladder if not. AMD estimates that even in a worst-case scenario the evacuation of Heaven’s non-combat personnel should be largely accomplished by the time of the final destruction of the Division, although the Savannah provides a special complication. Fortunately, early pessimism regarding of the necessity for extensive use of tactical nuclear weapons seems to have been just that: pessimism, although AMD will not completely rule out the tactic.

* 15 Marine Regiments in 45 Battalions;

* 1 Light Armored Reconnaissance Regiment in 3 Battalions

* 3 Combat Engineer Regiments in 9 Battalions

* 2 Armored Regiments in 6 Battalions

* 1 Marine Expeditionary Brigade

* 12 Special Artillery Battalions

* Marine Symphony Orchestra

Omega Marine Division (OMD; commander: Major General; motto: “Shoot you when you run.”)

OMD is tasked with being a primary assault force for final offensive operations against the forces of Hell. This is not currently defined as including Armageddon, although OMD will also act as a primary strategic reserve for that battle. OMD’s regiments and battalions are overstrength by corporeal standards, with a policy of “two forward, two back” instead of “two forward, one back”. This reflects an expectation of heavy shock at the first point of contact with enemy forces, coupled with the need for a strong commitment of reserves. Note that the combat engineers are not organized at the regimental level.

OMD works mostly with the War Faction, which in this context includes Lightning. As noted before, this Division is one of the corporeal groups dedicated to the final assault on Hell: they expect to be used – and, honestly, used up – providing a preliminary beachhead and Landing Zone for the Host. Hell apparently expects to be able to empty out the damned soul portion of Gehenna to oppose OMD and its counterparts, which is why the first thing that OMD intends to do once it has secured its primary objective is to thoroughly obliterate that Principality from as long a range as possible (the phrase ‘metaphysical kinetic energy weapons’ has been used in brainstorming sessions). The Division has every intention of having someone raise the Stars and Stripes over Lucifer’s Throne, but they have no idea how many Marines will die to get it there…

* 10 Marine Regiments in 40 Battalions

* 1 Assault Celestial Battalion

* 2 Reconnaissance Regiments in 8 Battalions

* 1 Long Range Special Reconnaissance Regiment in 4 Battalions

* 4 Combat Engineer Battalions

* 4 Armored Regiments in 16 Battalions

* 5 Marine Expeditionary Units

Bth Marine Aircraft Wing (B MAW)

B MAW is generally associated with OMD, although all MAGs rotate through joint training schedules with AMG. It is about 2/3rds fixed-wing and 1/3 rotary-wing aircraft, and is much larger than its corporeal equivalent: current doctrine is to use it as an artillery substitute, which has spawned some of the most acrimonious disputes to have ever gone on in Heaven.

* 30 Marine Aircraft Groups

* 6 Marine Air Control Groups

* 30 Marine Wing Support Groups

Bth Marine Logistics Group (B MLG)

B MLG is notably smaller than an equivalent earthly organization: the lack of need for food, shelter and many medical supplies simplifies matters immensely, as does the complete lack of corruption.

* 10 Combat Logistics Regiments

Notable Sub-groups

Marine Symphony Orchestra

This group is in fact a full-fledged orchestra, and quite a good one. It is also the place where MARFORCES puts its best Song users. Members of the Orchestra train extensively in metaphysical and esoteric combat; it remains to be seen how well this will translate to battlefield utility.

Long Range Special Reconnaissance Regiment (LRSRR, pronounced “lurser”)

When it comes to United States Marines that have somehow managed to end up in Hell, MARFORCES takes a simple attitude: you may have sold your soul to Satan, but your ass belongs to the Corps. LRSRR supposedly is in contact with carefully unnamed elements within Hell that can provide at least some intelligence on Infernal machinations and troop strengths. The regiment is typically staffed by angels (including Redeemed ones) who have served at least one tour of corporeal duty with the Role of a US Marine. It is unclear how much of what LRSRR gets is true and how much is disinformation, but they are getting something.

The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the In Nomine and GURPS systems from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.
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