Looking through the telescope and seeing alien planets? Totally a thing now. …OK, except that it’s totally not what they’re doing, but gimme this one.
Princeton Team Directly Observes Planets Around Nearby Stars @EvanGough2 https://t.co/DY9SxREsBr pic.twitter.com/V6Q6nIuFTT
— Universe Today (@universetoday) November 11, 2016
Entertainingly, the high-tech gizmo that they’re using to look at alien planets is called CHARIS, which is actually one of the Ancient Greek Graces. I say ‘entertainingly’ because I assumed that the name in question would be something suitably ominous and foreboding, probably because I was thinking of Charon or something similar. Nope, it’s a relentlessly cheerful name. Guess it’s not set in a horror novel universe after all…