Blame this.
The Santa Clara Marshmallow Fluff Pits Incursion
This is not a joke; this is not a drill. There is a rapidly expanding pool of liquefied marshmallow spreading through Santa Clara, California, and it is not being generated by mundane means. The team’s job is to come up with something – anything – that will explain this one away.
As near as anyone can tell, the Fluff Pits were spawned as part of an ongoing dispute with one particular group of Atlantean Crystal Wisdom cultists sectarians* with a group of Alien Bigfoot enthusiasts. Unfortunately, most of these groups self-select for psionic ability, and while no one individual involved has problematical levels of power the two groups somehow managed to create a psionic feedback loop that managed to trigger an ongoing and stable probability distortion. Hence: the marshmallow fluff.
Again, this is neither a joke nor a drill. The sheer absurdity of the story works in favor of suppressing it; but eventually somebody’s going to wonder where the fluff is coming from. The goal here is to come up with a reasonably believable excuse. Believe me, nobody wants this undignified event to be the event that kicks the lid off of the Conspiracy once and for all…
*They don’t sacrifice anything – or anybody – and they’re not trying to end the world, so they’re sectarians.