4 thoughts on “The Cars 3 Trailer. I’m sorry, but I have to say it…”

  1. 1 was a cute take on an well worn story line. 2 was a terrible and insulting. So I am not sure where this one is going.
    Option A: Large trauma resulting in learning to overcome adversity and getting back on the track.
    Option B: Cannot recover from injury, become the new Dr Hudson and mentors a new hotshot (worrisome that it could be like Rocky 5)
    Option C: Cannot recover, travels to the far east and becomes the new Sorcerer Supreme.

    1. So .. Honda-kun Toyota-sama ?
      Junior Cat was past the “animated/Disney” stage when Cars II came out, so .. I’m pretty sure I never saw it. Really that bad?
      As for this one .. I’m betting on a hybrid of A and B I’ll call D…
      Option D: Learning about “racing car privilege”, and how despite having a tow truck for a friend, now that he’s no longer able to race .. he realizes how awful and rotten he’s been ..

  2. Option E: He dies in racing crash. His daughter wants revenge, learns to race, beats up the bad guy. Although I’d bet more on option B.

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