Soooo… the Transformers movies have gotten real weird, I take it?

Because Transformers: The Last Knight looks pretty weird. Nazis, dragons, apparently Cybertron has come to visit?  I admit, I stopped watching this series after the second one, but… huh?


7 thoughts on “Soooo… the Transformers movies have gotten real weird, I take it?”

  1. I agree “Huh”. Not sure where they’re going with this one. I can sorta recommend #4 as this looks like a direct sequel to that one. I enjoyed it and have watched it on more than occasion. It’s not great, but it has giant robots, some of which are dinosaurs (so cool).

    1. Look like it.
      *checks IMDB casting*
      No official character lisitng, but Anthony Hopkins is undesignated. I don’t think one fills shoes of Orson friggin Welles with just anyone.

      1. Oh, lordy, the typos. I should know better than to type before coffee. Apologies to the grammar gods.

        1. Indeed, that was my under-caffeinated implication. Hopkins is one of the few who could do it.

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