Obviously putting everything under ‘Not-politics’ is no longer viable, given that the site has permanently shifted its focus and everything. I was thinking ‘Books,’ ‘Movies,’ ‘Music,’ and ‘RPGs.’ Does anybody have any other suggestions, or do folks think that would be sufficient?
Or, heck, do I even need categories? Wait, no, I started with categories, so I should keep them up, lest future archivists curse my name. I went to library school; I have to cleave to the Way of the Indexer.
I have four categories on my site: Politics, Personal, Fiction, and (Sub-Category) Poetry. Categories should be limited and broad. Tags is where you subdivide your posts. Your four new categories sounds like enough.
Politics – because you didn’t dump the archives.
Books – because you discuss books.
Movies – same.
Music – well, we don’t seem to discuss it..
Recipes- because the cooking threads attracted comments.
RPGs – for discussions of games.
RPG-[game] for game-specific item/plot seeds.
Writing – include the Patreon bits here
Obviously, a GURPS item-seed would be under at least 3 categories….
Yes to the recipes category. I find these to be a hoot.
You take a leaf from Samizdata and have a category for Hippos.
Just ‘Evil Giraffe’ as a category and put absolutely everything under it.
Because, you know, Evil.