The Pros and Cons of the new Baywatch movie.

Cons: They decided to make a Baywatch movie.  Somebody decided that this is what the world needs, or possibly just deserves.

Pros: They’ve apparently decided to make it R-rated.  Which pretty much guarantees people getting naked.  Unless they, I don’t know, decide to have a Chainsaw Beach Killer or do a Sharknado homage or just repeat dirty words until the review board signs off on the R rating… but, yeah, this is going to be the dream flick of all those millions who happened to hit puberty at the same time that Baywatch was on the air, or in syndication.

Moe Lane

PS: Look, I’d rather be obsessively watching the new Spider-Man trailer that was supposed to drop today, too.  FUNNY THING ABOUT THAT.

Location Seed: Mys Shmidta.


Mys Shmidta

Most modern occult historians pick 1954 for the ‘official’ start of the USA/USSR esoteric ‘Shadow Struggle’ that took place around, behind, and below the exoteric ‘Cold War.’  The various Western Shadow Governments had hoped that Stalin’s self-assassination (it’s a long story, and one that involves a botched immortality spell and a mirror) would allow for an easing of tensions, but Nikita Khrushchev was unfortunately just the right combination of bloody ambition and secret credulousness to be willing to use the supernatural as a weapon, and never mind what Marx and Lenin said about dialectic materialism.  There was a lot of immediate results from Khrushchev’s tacit declaration of war, ranging from the Battle of Dien Bien Phu to the adoption of In God We Trust on all American currency – but it’s the Siberian military base at Mys Shmidta that is of interest, here. Continue reading Location Seed: Mys Shmidta.

Tweet of the Day, THIS WILL END IN TEARS edition.

United Airlines is… likely to regret charging people to use its overhead bins.

The new ‘pricing tiers’ won’t happen this year, but God help the first flight that combines this policy and any delay whatsoever in takeoff or landing.  You’re gonna see people riot who don’t normally riot.  They probably won’t set fire to the plane itself, but they’re gonna riot. And maybe not even God would intervene if the AC cuts out while it happens…

The ‘The Founder’ trailer.

This one’s about Ray Kroc. And oh, my, but if this film even remotely follows what happened it’s going to be really, really interesting.  There were dark deeds done, back in the day.  The kind of stuff that, when it’s all over, you’re kind of surprised that nobody ended up getting shot or stabbed. I’m kind of surprised that the Scotsman didn’t try to squelch this film…

I got nothi… no, wait: I got something on this British royal family ugly sweater picture.

Look at the expression on the Queen’s face.

Continue reading I got nothi… no, wait: I got something on this British royal family ugly sweater picture.

The Alas Vegas RPG finally approaching final publication…

…the preliminary download is being sent out to backers now, so if you were in on that particular Kickstarter, check your email. Gonna be interesting to finally see Alas Vegas:  when I ordered it I hadn’t yet played Fallout: New Vegas, and I’m curious to see whether anything else besides the opening matches. Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see, I guess. In the meantime, I should go read Last Call again…

This Picard ‘Let it Snow’ video from @jamescovenant is making the rounds again.

I put James Covenant’s name in the title because apparently people have been ripping him off.  …Folks, don’t do that.  Well, OK, I know that all of my readers would rather rip off their own legs than somebody else’s content, but for everybody else; don’t steal other people’s stuff, OK? It’s nyeh kulturny.

And now: Picard singing “Let it Snow.”

So, Spider-Man: Homecoming put up today a teaser trailer to tomorrow’s trailer.

And we’re all gonna click, because we’re all weak like that.  Plus, web-wings and mechanical web-shooters.  Although I liked Sam Raimi’s biological web-shooters and I feel no shame in saying so.