BEHOLD! My victory!

…for a given value of ‘victory:’


Basically, it’s like this: Spider Solitaire has a total of eight hands that need to be assembled in order (K to A) and taken off of the board.  I have been trying for years to get a hand where I had seven out of eight hands solved before being dealt the final row of cards.  This morning, I succeeded.

…And then had to promptly undo it, because I can’t deal myself a new row of cards unless I have at least one card down on each of ten columns. Still.  It was a moral victory.

Moe Lane

PS: Some days are more exciting than others.

3 thoughts on “BEHOLD! My victory!”

  1. Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and Spider.

    I feel your pain, btw. That’s a hard variant to win, let alone invent ironman challenges for.

  2. There’s a reason I stripped that type of thing and internet access off my writing computer.
    Now I find other things to do before sitting down, rather than after.

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