BEHOLD! Steak and Potato Nachos.

Looks kind of funky, smokes up the house something fierce, my wife’s SCA class loved it.


The smoking thing is a definite problem, though.  Enough of one that I abandoned any thought of making this a gaming dish… which is a shame, because skirt steak + potatoes + paprika + cheese + salsa + sour cream = delicious and two-thirds gone already. This may actually be something where you’d want to cook the meat on the grill, then take it inside to be cut up and tossed in the broiler…

5 thoughts on “BEHOLD! Steak and Potato Nachos.”

  1. At what point is it smoking? Surely something is getting overcooked somewhere in the process that can be adjusted?

    1. Steak being seared on cast iron at high heat with olive oil for a brief time to get it nice and rare for the broiling. And I’m not actually as good at steaks as my wife is, so maybe it was user error.

      1. Ahh. Also, I mean not to criticize, but to find a workaround for my own non-smoky use. 🙂

        Olive oil has a very low temperature smoke-point, somewhere around 375F. For searing, you may want to try common vegetable oil(430F) or canola(475F).

          1. Also has a trans-fat problem, if exposed to heat .. if you believe in such things of course.
            I prefer coconut oil for cooking, but it has a similar smoke point.
            Assuming you’re not keeping kosher, ghee (or clarified butter) has a smoke point up near canola oil, and adds a lovely buttery flavor ..

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