Tazer soccer. Excuse me: Taser FOOTBALL. And it’s exactly as you imagine.
The people running the sport wish to assure us all that getting repeatedly shocked with a taser at one-third power will have no deleterious long-term effects on the participants’ health, well-being, or cognitive function. …And you can believe as much of that as you like. Or as little.
Via… I’m not sure, at this point. I had it on a browser tab, I swear.
Moe Lane
PS: Note that I do not say that this sport should be banned. Merely that if you play it, you’re probably an idiot. Game on!
They need to amp up the power, and bring it into the World Cup.
At very least, it would provide a reason for all the flopping.
And there’s an outside chance that it might actually make soccer interesting.
Much better than the Super Bowl!
Soccer is dumb but I would watch this.
Well, at least once.