Christopher Stasheff’s The Warlock in Spite of Himself is an old classic of the pre-New Wave science fiction/fantasy* era, of course. In other news: Chris Stasheff is still, in fact, alive! Seriously, I thought that he must have passed a decade ago, or something. Here’s his website.
And so, adieu to Hidden Figures.
Moe Lane
*Psionics are fantasy, sorry.
I think it was about a year ago when I found out he was a kicking around. From what I heard, he hadn’t been meaning to retire, he’d just been unable to sell his stories to publishers.
He’d just gotten his rights to revert, and was looking into going Indy with them. Looks like he went small press, instead.
I remember reading his stuff in the 80’s. Have you ever read Piers Anthony’s Incarnations of Immortality series. Good series.