A primer on Leave No Trace practices from the folks at Burning Man.

Written by people who, every year, go camp in a desert where you can’t even dump water safely.  So I feel that you will find this Burning Man primer fascinating, not least because it is remarkably unsentimental and unforgiving in its approach. It’s almost draconian, in fact: there’s a strong sense of you-will-learn-how-to-do-these-things that I found appealing.  And some of them I will probably do, the next time I’m at Pennsic (which is apparently infinitely easier to camp in).

3 thoughts on “A primer on Leave No Trace practices from the folks at Burning Man.”

    1. I believe that the Burners offered tips and input.
      I also believe the BLM interactions with Black Rock City (Burning Man) are less fraught than the dealings with the DAPL folks.
      And that’s all I’ll say here.

  1. Having been to both sites … not while they’re necessarily *active*, mind – Black Rock City is not as unforgiving as Mars, but much closer than the green hills of Pennsylvania…
    I’m sure the leave no trace aspects apply, and that SCA could learn a good bit from BRC.

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