The latest brood eruption is almost upon us, and in my general neck of the woods:
Some people love them, others are revolted. Cicadas, those big, loud, harmless bugs are emerging across the Mid-Atlantic. Cicadas have been reported in recent days in Fairfax, Va., Potomac, Md., and Annapolis, Md.
A cicada brood emerges once every 17 years, but since there are different broods, you’ll see them more than once every 17 years. This year’s cicadas were last seen in 2000. They come out of the grou…
Hold on. There’s a handy song about this.
I am *almost* surprised by the number of songs written about cicadas, although the topic of 17 year-olds busting loose, getting loud, having sex, and dying isn’t exactly breaking new ground in songwriting.
Ain’t no doubt about it, we were doubly blessed; cause we were barely seventeen and we were barely dressed.
I remember everything!
I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday; I was barely seventeen and I once killed a boy with a Fender guitar.