10 thoughts on “Crud, I’m starting to run out of MHI books.”

  1. There is a Agent Franks story in the anthology “Urban Allies” if you are inclined. Otherwise, head over to Larry’s Grimnoir books for a reread.

      1. Have you found “Detroit Christmas” ?
        It’s in a compilation, but also IIRC available as a freebie.

        1. There are 2 audio book short stories from Grimnoir series (Murder on the Orient Elite and Tokyo Raider). Both of them in written form will go into the short story collection “Target Rich Environment) that’ll show up next year.

  2. Bought the eArc .. finished it last night.
    The reviews .. are weird.
    Too many people seem to expect Larry Correia’s character Owen to think like John Ringo’s character Chad .. doesn’t work that way.
    (see also Franks’ thinking process in :Nemesis, Harbinger’s in :Alpha, and of course Bubba himself in the aforementioned short from Straight Outta Tombstone)
    Owen’s pattern is .. different. I’m enough of a writer to see the differences when Larry’s writing Franks or Harbinger. Owen writes like a club, Franks like a sledgehammer, Harbinger like a claymore. (the sword, not the explosive)
    So .. *know going in* what you’re getting .. this is very much an Owen story, in Owen’s voice .. and it manages to be satisfying in its’ own right, move the meta-plot forward, set up whatever comes next, and have a sense of humor.

  3. If you want to venture out a bit further, there’s his Iron Kingdom stie in books the Malcontents. Thus far 2 books are out: Into the Storm (The Dirty Dozen in Iron Kingdoms) and Into the Wild (Malcontents in the Temple of Doom). There should be another Malcontent book soonish, but he has so many other thingie coming (the Anthology that will come later this year, Son of the Black Sword (subcontinent Indian epic fantasy)).

    But Siege eArc is out now if you cannot wait.

  4. Just finished Siege. Damn you International Lord of Hate, now I have to wait for many more months for Monster Hunter Guardian.

    1. Ah, but “Saints” will be along eventually .. and so will the anthology .. so it’s not *all* bad.

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