Location Seed: Whistler’s Peak, Kansas.

Whistler’s Peak, Kansas – Google Docs

Whistler’s Peak, Kansas


Whistler’s Peak, Kansas

Population: 3,560,000 (2010 census)

Type of Government: Mayor (incumbent: M. Kent, R)

Representation in Congress:  The Fourth Scion of the Dusk (R, KS-05); and Spinning Jenny (I, KS-06)

Principal Industry: Whistler’s Peak is the center of Earth’s nascent astroshamanistic industry.  There are three major aerospace ports: Robert A. Heinlein Interplanetary, Anderson/Piper Interdimensional, and Whistler’s Peak International.

Never heard of it, huh?  Well, guess that means that the deception spell is still running.  Yeah, there’s been a giant spaceport — a port to all kinds of spaces — in the middle of Kansas since 1947 and First Contact. But, as is probably pretty obvious by now, it was deemed best if Earth in general got eased into the idea that magic was real, aliens were out there, faster than light travel was childishly easy to do, and flying cars are actually quite simple to drive, even when you’re drunk.


The spell wasn’t supposed to last this long, of course.  Unfortunately, in 1952 there was apparently some sort of war.  A really big war.  Earth was kept out of it — something about how primitive races shouldn’t be expected, or even allowed, to take sides — but we’re getting very little information on what is happening out there. Still, even the technological crumbs that we salvage from giving aid and assistance to the half blown-up ships that come through have made Whistler’s Peak one of the wealthiest, and the single most advanced, city on the planet.  Not that anybody can notice, thanks again to the deception spell.  The aforementioned Congressmen above can’t even be seen by anybody not on a couple of very specific subcommittees, which makes it hard for them to be effective legislators.  Fortunately, their constituents mostly want to be left alone in peace and quiet.


Well, mostly peaceful and not very quiet at all.  The combination of alien tech, alien magic, and freedom from the petty constraints of mundane building codes has produced a city that thrives on superheroics.  And other kind of adventurous heroics, but Whistler’s Peak is a cape’s town.