24 hours left on the Torg Eternity Kickstarter…

…which means 24 hours to go, and then I can stop resolutely ignoring the $200 tier.  I mean, i know full well that I’m not playing Torg Eternity any time soon.  The thirty buck level should be fine, given that I have half the PDFs from the old line already.  Still, it calls to me.  Callllllsssss…..


2 thoughts on “24 hours left on the Torg Eternity Kickstarter…”

  1. Given that the Collector’s edition of the Star Trek RPG is clocking in at more than $500 before shipping, which is a wee bit outside my price range, I used the funds I was planning to use on that and put them towards Torg instead. Yay. More red and blue dice.

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