This kinda makes me want to buy Destiny 2.

(Via Geeks are Sexy) Although the lack of a single-player campaign is still a sticking point.  Nonetheless, this Destiny 2 ad is everything that I want in a video game commercial.

And ‘Sabotage’ is overused when I say that it is.

3 thoughts on “This kinda makes me want to buy Destiny 2.”

  1. Eh.
    I did everything except the raids and one optional mission solo in the first one. The strikes have matchmaking, but they aren’t insurmountable by yourself if you want the challenge.
    D2 is supposed to cater to casuals and have a lot of events designed for solo players that the first one really didn’t.
    The big problem is that Bungie actively screws over their playerbase with frightening regularity. I have over a thousand hours in the first one, but there’s no way I’m signing up for the second iteration.
    Of course, it’s easier to make that decision when the recent beta test showed they’d doubled down on terrible storytelling, pissed all over the established lore of the setting, done away with customization, dramatically slowed down movement speed, nerfed the hell out of abilities, and significantly weakened the damage output from most weapon types.

  2. It’s a trick, Moe.
    I don’t know if I’m going to bother with Destiny 2 or not, but I’m definitely waiting for the reviews to show up and may still hold out for a sale or something even if they’re good.
    I don’t have as many hours in the first on as Luke, but my experience was pretty similar: almost all solo, since anybody I was trying to play the game with ditched after a month or so.
    I thought the D2 demo was okay, but I played it on PC middle of the week, and for only a couple hours. Seemed like more of the same, with the good and bad that implies.

    1. Instead of three waves and a bullet sponge boss, it was three waves and three waves of a bullet sponge boss. They’re really mixing it up, ain’t they?

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