It’s not every day that a biopic about a future Supreme Court Justice starts with him being in a bar fight.
The court case mentioned in Marshall is of interest, in and of itself: Connecticut v. Joseph Spell does in fact have sufficient dramatic heft to it to justify a movie. It will also likely spur more than a little, ah, discussion, once it gets on the screen. Oh, my, yes it will. Watch the trailer, and you’ll see why.
Marshall comes out October 13th.
A bad judge who did more harm than good, but he retired at the right time and we got Clarence Thomas.
I’m outraged! If Eleanor Strubing said she was raped, then she was raped! By depicting Joseph Spell, with his two very two male lawyers, getting off scot-free, is both misogynist and keeping alive the rape culture in America! /joking
And before you get your panties in a twist, The Oppression Olympics should be roundly mocked by everyone.
Annnnnd that’s why it’s going to (air fingers) “spark some discussion.”
Ant truth to the rumor this case sparked Truman Capote to write To Kill A Mockingbird?
Oh, I ain’t opening THAT can o’worms, neighbor. Some literary knife fights in alleys you just don’t want to get in on.
Speaking of, I just brewed a fresh batch of conspiracy bait in the BLIMP comments.