I suppose. That was a remarkably unpleasant thirty-six hours or so, and I’m only feeling better, not well. I’m taking it easy for the rest of the day.
On the bright side: lots of sleep! Lots and lots of sleep. With highly bizarre dreams.
I suppose. That was a remarkably unpleasant thirty-six hours or so, and I’m only feeling better, not well. I’m taking it easy for the rest of the day.
On the bright side: lots of sleep! Lots and lots of sleep. With highly bizarre dreams.
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Be sure to write some of those dreams down. There’s good s#!t in dreams sometimes.
Or, you know, rest well and don’t suffer in your subconscious either.
…… Again.
… sorry, it was there.
Something nasty is going around, not the Flu, not a cold, something else. Don’t know what it is and symptoms vary for everyone.
Something nasty is going around, not the Flu, not a cold, something else. Don’t know what it is and symptoms vary for everyone.
Glad to hear you’re better. Don’t push yourself though, this thing going around is deceptively persistent.