Is this Gary Clark cover of Come Together for Justice League good, or bad?

I dunno. I kind of started out wanting to love it, then I kind of wanted to hate it, and now it’s growing a little on me.

Come Together, Gary Clark Jr.

I mean, the original Come Together is older than I am, right? :click click click: Yup, made in 1969.  Which means that the song is almost fifty years old, and that seems to be on the other side of the “Is it too soon to cover this song?” line. So we’re good, there.  But it’s kind of… detached. I’m sure that Gary Clark Jr appreciates the work and everything, but he’s only performing the work, not really singing it.  Does that make sense? Dude’s just wearing the song, in other words; it ain’t part of him the way that Warren Zevon made Back In The High Life his.

On the other hand… hey, musicians these days remember that they have these things called electric guitars! I kind of liked the playing. There were times that it suggested that the fellow might know what power chords are, and what you use them for.  A quick Wikipedia scan suggests that Mr. Clark has musical chops, so I dunno whether he toned them down for this bit of pop movie work.  Or whether my reaction to this is like my reaction generally to Justice League: I’d badly like it to be good, so I’m experiencing goodness where it might or might not actually be. I am, after all, an eternal optimist.

3 thoughts on “Is this Gary Clark cover of Come Together for Justice League good, or bad?”

  1. Yeah, this seems a bit too overproduced, especially at the beginning. But Moe? “Is it too soon to cover this song?” May I introduce you to a, ahem, charming movie from 1978 called “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band”?
    I believe that you may be familiar with the young band performing the song. Also, do not take this as an endorsement to watch the rest of Sgt. Pepper.

    1. My most vivid memory of that movie is a two-parter.

      Viewing one: as a kid. When the evil band came on, I was all “Oh, no! Evil band!”

      Viewing two: as an adult. When the evil band came on, I was all “Oh, cool! Aerosmith!”

  2. Watched it. Meh. Trying to describe it, the word that pops to mind is “detached.” Both musically and visually- the women are dancing facing the guitar, not us.

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