Slow freaking day today. Usually I can at least count on a movie trailer or two. Or maybe a video game rumor. I should just probably write more original stuff to take up the slack, or something.
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Slow freaking day today. Usually I can at least count on a movie trailer or two. Or maybe a video game rumor. I should just probably write more original stuff to take up the slack, or something.
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Have not seen a book thread to post this in today, so I thought I would leave this here.
In case you have not, try out Brandon Sanderson’s Wax and Wayne series of Mistborn novels. I had read the earlier Mistborn stuff and after enjoying his Stormlight Archive stuff, went back and reread them and then moved on to the Wax and Wayne stuff (same world, different era.) Read them all this weekend.
They have a steampunk, magicky, old west kind of vibe that made me think of you.
Ooh, sounds interesting.
On the videogame front, Sea of Thieves just wrapped up it’s beta. It wasn’t covered by NDA, so people are posting their thoughts.
Information about Anthem had been coming out for the past week or two. Part of it is logistical stuff about how Bioware has diverted resources from the next Dragon Age to Anthem. But one of the devs has been actively engaging on Reddit. He’s talked about their intent, their plans, broadbrush mechanics, things they’ve tried and discarded (due to technical limitations, or due to not being as fun as they thought they’d be) and more.
Believe it or not, he’s actually asked what people would like to see them so with parts of the game on several occasions.
The bad news, is that release has been pushed back to first quarter need year.
‘Get it right’ is the correct answer in all cases.
Also ‘just drop microtransactions except for cosmetics’ would also be appreciated.
“Sell me the whole gorram game, disk optional.”
Sell me, in other words, a “yuuge” or ‘luxury’ edition that lets me grab all the DLC and spiffy as it comes out ..
“Make a good story. Something on the order of KoTOR will do.”