So, Dan Brown paid for the digitalization of a bunch of medieval occult tomes.

Didn’t I mention this, back in 2017?  I could have sworn that I mentioned it.  Anyway: writer Dan Brown — the dude that wrote those occult conspiracy novels that I skipped for some reason (probably because Foucault’s Pendulum kind of spoiled me on the genre) — decided to give the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica in Amsterdam a bunch of cash so that they could digitize their historic occult book collection.  The first wave of tomes (1,600 in number) are now online.  If you were planning to run any sort of horror or modern fantasy game, these images are pretty much instant props.

…I swear to God, I feel like I’ve written about this story before.  Weird.

2 thoughts on “So, Dan Brown paid for the digitalization of a bunch of medieval occult tomes.”

  1. Has the man not seen ANY of the fiction involving digitizing occult books? There’s been quite a bit of it, these past few decades…the Season 1 Buffy episode alone should put this idea firmly in the “Nope” column.
    OTOH, Brown’s a hack and a blasphemer, so I shouldn’t expect much…

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