Quote of the Day, I Find This Reassuring About Pacific Rim: Uprising edition.

Because that’s what I want, too.

Briefly sketched characters and a minimalist plot can be a sign of a film’s low ambitions, but in this case, it’s more a mark of very specific ambitions: the filmmakers want to see giant robots fighting, and don’t want to spend too much time on boring human talky-talky that might get in the way.

Yes. Thank you. Giant robots. Punching giant monsters. In the face.  That’s what I want out of Pacific Rim: Uprising. I can get movies that require me to think any time I want.  I don’t want that from this movie.

One thought on “Quote of the Day, I Find This Reassuring About Pacific Rim: Uprising edition.”

  1. It’s probably just a quirk of mine, but when the ham replacing Idris Elba talks in that goofy accent and speechifys about the things ‘WE’ did in the first movie all I think is ‘FK U you weren’t in the first movie and have no right to say WE’.

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