It’s Take Your Kid To Work Day, which has never actually been my burden to bear in our household. After all, up until two years ago my job consisted of telling people that they were being wrong on the Internet, and that didn’t exactly require much in the way of special programming. Anyway, both of my kids are old enough and want to go see Mommy’s job this year, and Daddy can’t go and help out because Daddy doesn’t have a security clearance. Daddy had to be reminded of this, in fact.
So what does this mean, in practical terms? It means that Daddy doesn’t have to be dressed and showered until at least 10, 11 AM. I cannot really explain the insidiously twisted appeal of this. Heck, it’s even worth getting up an hour early to help get my kids out the door. Because, really, as Rita Rudner used to say: bears with furniture. It’s a fair call: I’ll own it.
Wait…. but your kids get security clearance? That would explain a few things.