Creature Seed: Freemason bees.

Bees came up a lot today.

Freemason Bees – Google Docs

Freemason Bees

(Apis mellifera futurae)

Description: Freemason bees are easily distinguished from the European honey bee via the distinctive design on its abdomen (which really does resemble the Freemason’s Eye in the Pyramid).  Freemason bees are slightly larger than other honey bees, rarely stings, can sting without killing itself, and their venom has a mildly euphoric and analgesic effect on most humans. Research as to whether the venom is addictive to people is ongoing. Freemason bees are infertile with any other species of bee.

It’s a shame that the Men in Black are so down on freemason bees, considering that they’re a docile and almost friendly species that gives a respectable amount of honey while also being excellent pollinators.  The problem, of course, is that freemason bees are also an infallible marker for temporal incursions from the future. The species was genetically engineered at some point in the future, and individual bees are programmed to create a colony when there isn’t one within a few miles. So, when a clumsy time traveler jumps back to our era and takes a freemason bee with him, the bee is likely to be left behind, thus triggering the change.

The entire process is very reliable, actually.  And freemason bees are designed to not overwhelm the environment.  However, this era has not been assigned any knowledge of time travel, and that restriction will be enforced for — an indeterminate amount of time.  Until then, any and all forms of temporal contamination need to be contained, and that unfortunately includes freemason bees.

So here’s your beekeeper suits, a box or two, and some smoke generators.  Freemason bees are very placid, so you should haven’t any trouble packing them up for the Illuminati’s private gardens. But if you do, hey, look on the bright side: it’s amazing how much help you can get from mundane government agencies when you start your requests for aid with the statement So, I have to deal with this swarm of bees…

One thought on “Creature Seed: Freemason bees.”

  1. The bees would have to be carrying fertilized eggs at the time of transport. Otherwise it would take two bees to start a hive.


    Two bees, or not two bees?
    That is the question.

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