I make no commentary about this leaked(?) Episode IX summary.

You may read it here.  I will, however, gently note this passage from The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress:

Wyoh looked stubborn. “Revolutions have succeeded before. Lenin had only a
handful with him.”

“Lenin moved in on a power vacuum. Wye, correct me if I’m wrong. Revolutions succeeded when–only when–governments had gone rotten soft, or disappeared.”

“Not true! The American Revolution.”

“South lost, nyet?”

“Not that one, the one a century earlier. They had the sort of troubles with England that we are having now–and they won!”

“Oh, that one. But wasn’t England in trouble? France, and Spain, and Sweden–or maybe Holland? And Ireland. Ireland was rebelling; O’Kellys were in it. Wyoh, if you can stir trouble on Terra–say a war between Great China and North American Directorate, maybe PanAfrica lobbing bombs at Europe, I’d say was wizard time to kill Warden and tell Authority it’s through. Not today.”

Oh, dear: it looks like rain.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, Manny is an unreliable narrator when it comes to the Revolutionary War, as he would be the first to tell you.

5 thoughts on “I make no commentary about this leaked(?) Episode IX summary.”

  1. I will only say to call that a “summary” is exceedingly generous. “Vague idea of a direction to go” would be more honest.


    One might also observe that Manny would’ve been more optimistic if they had a magic space wizard on their side.

  2. Ugh, I had a chance to buy TMIAHM at a local bookstore a few weeks back and I passed. Must rectify that.

    1. I got a first-edition paperback of The Door Into Summer this week at some used bookstore.

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