‘Fix Your PC With A Crystal Pendulum.’

Via Geeks Are Sexy.

This joke works on two levels: first, of course, it’s a parody of a concept (videos showing New Age ‘fixes’ of technological problems) that you didn’t hitherto realize existed but certainly must.  Somewhere.  But second?  Second, you’ll probably think to yourself at some point Well.  It’s obviously BS, but it’s at least BS I haven’t tried yet.

Unless you’re one of those people who seriously work with computers.  In which case, you’re either even rolling your eyes harder than I am, or you’re worried that the secret’s out and soon everybody will know the Hidden Lore.  If it’s the latter case, relax: nobody’s gonna believe this and I can keep my trap shut.

9 thoughts on “‘Fix Your PC With A Crystal Pendulum.’”

  1. I’ve always found that threats of physical violence work best. The computer thinks in binary, so you give it a binary choice: work, or I will end you.

    Results may vary.

  2. It’s a long-running gag in my family that computer problems disappear when I approach. It does happen often enough to be A Thing.

  3. If it’s the latter case, relax: nobody’s gonna believe this and I can keep my trap shut.

    I’m sorry, Moe, but we just can’t afford to take any chances.

    If it’s any consolation, though, I will miss this place.


  4. I always found that sacrificing goats while chanting ominously got the IT problems fixed. I’m not going to say that crystals are not useful in diagnosis and repair of electronics, but most electronics problems are smoke, rather than crystal, related.

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