The “…Okayyyyy” Playmobil: The Movie trailer.

I guess Playmobil saw that Lego’s been printing money lately, and wanted to get some of that?

However, this reminds me of a story.

Back in the day — as in, a few decades ago — I wanted a catapult for my desk.  A working one.  And I couldn’t find one.  As this was in the 1990s, it wasn’t a trivial exercise to shop online (it wasn’t even a difficult exercise to shop online), so I had to hit up hobby shops and museum places and whatnot*.  I eventually found more or less this:

…in the toy section of a toy/model/gaming store. And, with the strategic use of rubber bands, I could even get it to fire. Proud day, proud day. But, of course, now all I’d have to do is go to Amazon and look it up.


Good. Finding the dang thing the first time was a real pain in the sit-upon.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with the Playmobil movie, but at least they’re not doing a total, frame by frame ripoff of the Lego Movie, right?

2 thoughts on “The “…Okayyyyy” Playmobil: The Movie trailer.”

  1. Did you ever play “Crossbows and Catapults”? That was a great game. It also has nothing to do with the Playmobil movie. I’m still trying to figure out how to pronounce “Playmobil”, and so I could never see it in the theater because I wouldn’t utter the word out loud for fear of saying it wrong in public.

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