Game of the Week: the Hasbro Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Starter Set.

(Via Nerdbastards) The Hasbro Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Starter Set is old school D&D, by the way. The kind that they would have been playing in the 1980s, in other words. Ain’t nostalgia marketing grand? They’ve finally worked their way around to pandering to me.

2 thoughts on “Game of the Week: the Hasbro Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Starter Set.”

  1. Old look but with 5e ruleset. They are having great success with 5e, there want to keep that going with new players.

    1. The 5e ruleset was deliberately set up to invoke nostalgia for first and second edition AD&D.
      I loathed 3.* edition, and 4th edition interested me not at all. But reading the 5e PHB caused so many memories to come welling up, that I may have actually pined for a time long departed, when crashing on a friend’s couch when the mountain dew wore off was a short break in a long weekend.

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