The Godzilla ‘Beautiful’ TV trailer.

Oh, man, I’m never gonna get tired of them making movies aimed squarely at the kid version of me.

Looks like Mothra’s one of the good guys, up against Ghidorah and Rodan. This is a good thing, of course. The USAF can’t be EVERYWHERE at once, after all.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters comes out May 31st, and the only thing stopping me from seeing this as early as possible will be family considerations. I mean, that’s more important than an awesome Godzilla movie, obviously. But I’d reschedule non-critical surgery.

2 thoughts on “The Godzilla ‘Beautiful’ TV trailer.”

  1. Mothra’s always been portrayed as much as a “good guy” as its possible for a kaiju to be. If Mothra was in a film, and another kaiju was portrayed as more benevolent, then fans would probably be up in arms.

    Of the three, Rodan’s probably the least likely to be portrayed as “friendly”. But one of the quick flashes appears to show him tackling Ghidorah in mid-air.

    And, of course, as every Toho Films fan knows, Ghidorah is *always* evil.

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