So, went to see Newsies.

Chaperoning a field trip. Reaction? …Dear Lord but that play must be infuriating to the Commies. Class struggle and the myth of the General Strike, ruthlessly subordinated to Disney’s overwhelming desire to sell you a ticket. It’s almost as funny as the way that Evita* turned Che Guevera into a performing seal subsidizing somebody’s hooker and cocaine habit. Capitalism never sleeps.

High school performance, so I’m not going to critique the kids. They worked their hearts out for that play, you could tell. They did fine. Better than the script deserved, of course.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m not worried about the propaganda aspects. These were sixth graders; they were mostly waiting to see if the hero and heroine kissed again, solely so they could make noises of disapproval/approval at the stage.

*Look, I gotta be honest, here: Madonna wasn’t bad in that movie. It wasn’t the greatest flick, either, but it wasn’t awful. I liked it well enough.

3 thoughts on “So, went to see Newsies.”

      1. SCTV sketch.
        Beyond that, around 79-80, Evita hit Broadway and if you had cable in that era, it was being advertised heavily on the national channels that you got with cable. I was seeing ads for Evita in the Texas panhandle, which was not exactly where you wanted to be Broadway shows to be advertising. For comparison sake, here’s that Evita ad:
        Why Slim Whitman? This would have been around the time that K-Tel was advertising his albums all over the same late night TV that SCTV was on. And Ghandi had just become Prime Minister again so was all over the news. See? All completely explainable.

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