8 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, The Joker Movie Trailer Has Dropped edition.”

  1. There is mention of a guy in a mask. So that *might* be Batman. Or it might be Joker, since he spends a lot of time in this movie wearing a mask.

    What I find troubling about this is that the trailer suggests Joker will be presented as a sympathetic character. For me, that’s the red line that absolutely positively must not be crossed. You can ditch the acid bath, as Nolan and Ledger did. But Joker’s a mass-murdering homicidal maniac, to the extent that’s pretty much his job description. And audiences should *never* have sympathy for him. If you want sympathy, then there are plenty of other villains to choose from.

  2. People are theorizing that the boy he… um, forces to smile (there’s no way to describe that scene without feeling creepy myself) is a young Bruce Wayne.

  3. I feel like it’s a bad idea to give the Joker an origin story. I feel like it’s a really bad idea to give the Joker origin story that makes him into a victim of a cruel and indifferent environment.


    Also, I thought the people making DCU movies got the memo to stop using muted color palettes?

    1. “Something like that… happened to me, you know? I… I’m not exactly sure what it was. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another… if I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!”
      — The Joker, The Killing Joke

        1. I’d be totally on board with JP playing the role in ‘sequels’, each of which are retellings of his origin story, all mutually exclusive.

  4. Me, I’m just amused that the release date is my ex-wife’s birthday. I find that appropriate.

  5. One rumor has Thomas Wayne in the movie, which… would preclude Batman being in it without a very big retcon.

    *Unless* it’s the Injustice universe where Thomas is Batman, in which case things are going to keep getting darker. But in a way that matches what’s been written before. And would make me want to watch this.

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