The second WHAT IN GOD’S NAME IS THIS? Hobbs and Shaw trailer.

Hobbs and Shaw may be the single most absurd film I see this year.

Note that I am reaffirming with that that I will be seeing this movie. It’s just so transcendently weird. I haven’t watched any of the Fast & Furious movies, as I’ve admitted before, and now maybe I have to.

Moe Lane

PS: “Look at me. I’m black Superman.” Anybody else except Idris Elba says that line, I raise an eyebrow. Idris can get away with a line like that, especially if the action follows through.

3 thoughts on “The second WHAT IN GOD’S NAME IS THIS? Hobbs and Shaw trailer.”

  1. I will note that this year’s releases also include a zombie film with Bill Murray and Adam Driver, “The Man who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot”, a live action Pikachu and Sonic, a second Iron Sky film, and that Stuber film about the cop who commandeers an Uber. So it’s got some competition for absurdity.
    And for the F&F films, the first couple stay within the bounds of realism. It’s around the fifth film where the franchise basically starts to go nuts and embrace ideas like “You want to ram a car with a submarine? Sounds good!”

  2. Is an action movie trailer supposed to make me burst out laughing? Because when it showed Dwayne Johnson pulling an Apache helicopter, that’s exactly what I did.

    1. It was about then that I wished that I had been in whatever RPG campaign it was that the Rock was drawing inspiration from. It sounds like it was a hoot.

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