Military creating formal procedures for UFO reports.

This is good news even if you don’t believe in UFOs…

A recent uptick in sightings of unidentified flying objects — or as the military calls them, “unexplained aerial phenomena” — prompted the Navy to draft formal procedures for pilots to document encounters, a corrective measure that former officials say is long overdue.

Via Hot Air.

…and I generally don’t. Oh, I believe that there are aliens out there. Somewhere. The odds would be so ridiculously long that this is the only planet in the universe that could sustain sapient life that they’d be almost proof of the existence of a Creator. But I don’t really believe in aliens buzzing our airplanes.

I can, however, believe in Chinese-built, electric-powered spy drones buzzing our airplanes. Or some other country’s spy drones. Particularly if they knew that all the reports would be nervously circular-filed by the people seeing the drones. So, hey, by all means: let’s change that. And let’s see what happens.

Moe Lane

2 thoughts on “Military creating formal procedures for UFO reports.”

  1. No matter what way you look at it, Objects that appear to Fly and are most certainly Unidentified are a thing. We are all served in establishing Identification of said Objects, be they aliens of foreign or stellar varieties.

  2. Occasionally someone will ask me if I believe in UFOs. I generally answer yes.

    Then I immediately continue on to state that I believe that people sometimes see things in the sky that they can’t identify.

    That doesn’t mean that I believe in alien spacecraft frequently visiting our planet.

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