I let it slide, myself. But apparently not very many people did? Via Coming Soon:
Left unanswered is the question How do they fix the problem that they’ve made a Sonic the Hedgehog movie? This is apparently not an easy question to answer. Again, I let it slide because Sonic wasn’t one of my guys growing up, and my own kids were meh about the film. But their target audience apparently weren’t cheering the news anyway. Gonna be interesting to see how Paramount and Sega square this particular circle.
Moe Lane
PS: Didn’t they test this movie with audiences first?
Best guess? They still have all the footage shot with the actors and the tennis ball ..
They can simply pick a different Sonic and re-CGI all the scenes where the .. nightmare-fuel-version .. is on screen.
Not a small task, but not insurmountable, especially as it’s pretty much just pixels and computer time.
p.s. if they can’t fix the *script* … then their best bet is to sell it to Hulu or Netflix or .. Amazon.
I enjoyed the Sonic games back in the day.
No matter how good Sonic looks in this movie, I still have pretty much zero interest in it. I’m not saying that it isn’t possible to make a Sonic movie that I’d like. I’m just saying that I’m pretty sure that this isn’t it.
Sonice: SatAM or bust. Simple as that.
I loved the cartoons as a kid. Some things just belong in 2D and should never be “upgraded”(scowls at Disney).