Suggestion box: interesting geeky aggregation sites.

I may be in a bit of a rut: checking the same six or seven sites all the time, then wondering why nothing new ever seems to be going on. Anybody got any good recommendations? Oddball would be nice. Oddball that doesn’t make me want to put my hand through a wall would be even better.

4 thoughts on “Suggestion box: interesting geeky aggregation sites.”

  1. Honestly, a lot of the places I’m checking lately are YT channels and, well, a lot of them still leave me wanting to punch a wall.
    Um, maybe Forbes’ gaming section? They tend to be more business oriented, for some reason. Oddly enough, they’re always one of the top sites that I find when I’m looking for how to finish a Fortnite quest. Also maybe Geek and Sundry? They’re politically idiots and a lot of their site is dedicated to their stream shows but there’s some decent info scattered in there on boardgames and RPGs. Don’t get me started on their DM advice though. Frigging narrative over gameplay weasels.

    1. It’s hard to find a “Geek-culture” that hasn’t been completely consumed by the Silicone Valley/Left-coast hive-mind. Of course, their worldview is *rooted* in fantasy, so it makes sense.
      Still, the lack of that is what makes this place so unique.

  2. I really only use this smaller one-man outfit called, You should check him out. 😉

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