So. Not dying!

Not that I expected anything really different from my check-up this morning, but it’s nice to hear anyway. Blood pressure fine, lungs fine, dunno what bloodwork is going to say when I go take care of that tomorrow, but everything’s functional. Asked for the shingles vaccine, but apparently there’s a national backlog or something.

Doctor did warn me that the colonoscopy carousel starts up next year, though. …Oh, boy. That’s gonna be fun!

5 thoughts on “So. Not dying!”

  1. I’ve heard the rectal-roto-rooter process has gotten better …
    Thus far, against doctor’s recommendations, I’ve skipped ’em.

    1. My wife has to have them yearly because of her medical history; I will not be able to shrug that particular chore off. 😐

      1. Yeah, it’s .. not something I’m looking forward to.
        I understand the modern equipment bears less resemblance to a garden hose and more to a heavy extension cord ..

  2. Grats on the good news and my sympathies for the colonoscopies in your future. I’ve had 2 and am due for a 3rd; they have become less of an ordeal, if no less intrusive.

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