The final ‘Hobbes & Shaw’ trailer.

I want to see Hobbes & Shaw. Truly, I do. But I don’t know how much prep work I have to do beforehand to see this. You know, like properly.

Can I just walk in cold and have it still be understandable? Or understandable enough? There’s a lot of movies to watch in this series, is all that I’m saying.

13 thoughts on “The final ‘Hobbes & Shaw’ trailer.”

  1. OT, but I just noticed you dropped Schlock Mercenary off your webcomic list.

    1. Before I stopped reading it, Howard had intimated he was wrapping the story up. That was two years ago and he was getting a SJW/TDS fever which is why I quit. I suspect he’s finished in that time, or violated Moe’s er… new posting guidelines sensibility, or both.

      1. Still going, not particularly political.
        (Well, lots of fictional politics. It’s a mercenary company we’re talking about, after all. But real-world politics intrudes only rarely.)

          1. I obviously missed something. (Shrug) I stopped reading his commentary a couple years back, I take it he’s accelerated the condescension?

          2. If he’s that troubled by business sent his way, then you’re right to let it go. I think its the MRK influence. She may be a fine writer, but she’s politically toxic.

        1. At that point he had his Twitter feed pegged on his sidebar, where he made it very clear he was not interested in my(and apparently Moe’s) patronage.

  2. Start with FF5 and work from there, but you should be able to enjoy without the backstory. The franchise was interesting to say the least, but as they got farther in, the stunts and action got much better. I think now they are sitting around a table at each one of these trying to top each other with the most impossible situations to actually create on screen (I bet their brainstorming sessions are awesome!). FF2 was clever with the plot but also had impossible stuff in it. 1, 3, and 4 were more about racing/Toretto, but they started to develop into more than just racing later on. It’s strictly brain candy though, so don’t expect much more but to sit back and enjoy the ride. It truly is living life a quarter mile at a time.

    1. Yeah, this. If you’re really insistent on getting context, maybe watch the first one, which was a decent film, and then skip ahead to Five when Johnson first appears.
      If you just skip all of them, you can basically get by knowing that Johnson’s an ex-cop and Statham is basically a villain from an action movie.

  3. I think you can relax, Moe. This is Fast and the Furious, not Wheel of Time.
    On the other hand, Gal Gadot got her start in the early ones, no?

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