I’m not going to lie, here: I would not be a trustee of something like the Epstein estate. I would refuse. If they somehow forced me to be one anyway, I would take all the money and get it to his victims directly if I had to physically hand it out. And I would be handing out that physical money while wearing gloves (because it’s hard to get one of those moon suits).
And I’d tell every person with an outstretched hand: If you take this money as anything except recompense for the evil done unto you by that man and his ilk, the evil that lives within it will not be washed away. Which I would absolutely do, for my own conscience’s sake, because everybody deserves at least a warning. Because I tell you this: if it is possible to actually curse something, then the Epstein estate is cursed.
Mind you, I am a member of our modern secular age. I believe that money is fungible; and that good and evil are qualities of people, not things; and that the very idea of curses is silly. Heck, when I write it out, it all looks silly. Practically Gothic, or even medieval.
But I still wouldn’t let a penny of that money come into my house.
Mote than a few good stories have been written using cursed wealth as a plot point. Jim Butcher has woven theJudas coins into hisDresden Files effectively, DCs Phantom Stranger carries them in several of his iterations, and I recall one that dealt with the Kennedy mob as well.
True, and it buttresses my point.
For that matter, the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie had the cursed gold coins.
Fully agree.
What really frosts my cork, is that all of these evils coming to light were open secrets.
“Everyone knew” Matt Lauer’s office was a rape room.
“Everyone knew” Hillary’s advisors casually participated in rituals out of a Lovecraft story. (OK, out of Aleister Crowley’s imagination if you want to get all technical. That’s not an improvement.)
“Everyone knew” Epstein kept sex slaves on his private island.
And yet “everybody” either accepted or protected it.
All of it.
If that ridiculous Pizzagate conspiracy theory is proven true, I might start praying for cleansing nuclear fire.
God, yeah, Pizzagate being true would be horrid on so many different levels (including, primarily, the most obvious one).
Pizzagate conspiracy theory is too optimistic. The truth is far worse.
They’d almost have to be, the pizza building not having a basement and all that …
More seriously .. yeah, we’re juuust about due for another wave of neo-puritanism. Joy.
Neo Puritanism would just be a progressive right rather than left. Still ungrounded in reality, still accepting of baseless accusations as Truth merely since they are spouted by ‘one of us’.
They only advantage is that Puritan thanksgiving rocks, and any imagined prog version of the same holiday would Suck.
I didn’t say it was a good thing, bensdad00 .. just that the relative puritanism tends to go up and down over timme, much as hem lines do.
Victorian manners were a direct result of Georgian excess.
Puritans arose (in part) as a response to widespread debauchery, and syphilis running rampant.
Individuals like hedonism.
But it’s toxic to communities.
A certain political link aggregator likes to say that we’re already in a wave of Neo-Puritanism. And the ones who are pushing it are the same ones who would most loudly proclaim that they’re against any such thing. It’s not that they’re actively pushing for any sort of puritanical thinking. But the actions of such people tend to cause others to think a bit more carefully about what they’re doing in bed.
Ummm .. did you ever see “Return of the Living Dead” ?
(included with Amazon Prime: https://www.amazon.com/Return-Living-Dead-James-Karen/dp/B07H5266YD)
The trouble with “cleansing nuclear fire” is the fallout .. in various forms ..