…provided, of course, that the picture in it wasn’t created by Sandy Petersen. I sincerely doubt that it was. But if it was created by him, switch out the title for something with more couth.
My response, of course, was “Elmo chooses… wisely.” Not that there’s anything wrong with non-genre films and/or documentaries. Why, I sometimes watch one of each type a year! I know, I know: ’tis quite avant-garde of me. But it’s important to get a feel for stuff outside the mainstream, you know what I mean?
You have hit on something: If it is something you have to make yourself watch (i.e. a chore) then it is not entertainment or something you view as worthwhile. You are doing it instead as something you feel you ‘need’ to do. These things should not be a chore to watch. If they are, well, maybe the filmmakers need to reevaluate.
And of course, “Academy Award Winner” isn’t a guaranteed sign of quality.
This. Yes.
Particularly since they expanded the nomination pools and watered down what little cachet the ‘nominated’claim had.
Once it was pointed out to me that the Grammy for “best new artist” in 1977 went to the Starland Vocal Band. Since then, my cynicism for the various and sundry awards has been unbounded.