
Busy day, deadlines, you know the drill. I should absolutely stagger things more so that I have deadlines on the fifteenth of the month. I should also exercise more, sleep more, catch up on a few movies, and start attending that writer’s workshop in Baltimore*. I might manage the last one, if I’m lucky.

Moe Lane

*Or any writer’s workshop, really. Although I understand those can be hit or miss.

5 thoughts on “Wiped.”

  1. If you want some constructive feedback on your work without the commute, you might want to try Scribophile. It’s a workshop online that enables you to have your work critiqued in exchange for you critiquing other writers’ work. The system runs on a virtual currency called “Karma”. Writing critiques earns you Karma that you can spend to post your own work for critique.

    There’s a free option, or you can pay for more. I think it’s well worth the money.

    1. Hrm. The only problem there is that I suck at critiquing other people’s work. Or at least I don’t know how I’m supposed to do it. But it’s worth considering. Thanks.

      1. It’s not really a question of ability. All you have to do is read the work (usually 3000 words or less) and then tell the writer what worked for you and what didn’t. Critiquing other people’s work has actually helped me recognize weaknesses in my own work, so it’s a win-win for the writer and the person giving the critique.

  2. Hey man, don’t beat yourself up on our account. Take care of you and yours! I heartily endorse more sleep, and even, um…. not-completely-sedentary activity(I’m not cruel nor fit enough myself to suggest full on exercise *shudder*).

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