ATTENTION, EDITORS: I am *not* a Californian, for the purposes of Assembly Bill 5.

Hiring me for freelance writing work (use the Contact Form; no inquiries about political pieces, please) will thus be much less of a hassle, frankly. And I’m good about deadlines, too! Feel free to get in touch with me — the non-Californian — today!

Moe Lane

PS: This is just business, folks. You gotta jump on these things when they happen.

PPS: I also have a Patreon.

2 thoughts on “ATTENTION, EDITORS: I am *not* a Californian, for the purposes of Assembly Bill 5.”

  1. I’m not sure whether this bill will affect me or not. I don’t think it will. But I can’t predict what the courts will eventually decide.

  2. They wrote this bill to destroy Uber and Lyft. And then they decided to ‘protect’ the freelance writers, and arbitrary got the 35 article because they thought 1 article per week is what everyone should be doing, and divide that by 2. Welcome to the intended consequences.

    No, I didn’t vote for her, she’s not in my district, but what’s the point, I’m outvoted in my own district 9-1.

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