You ever have one of those days where you looked at the mirror and said “Forget just trimming the beard. It all comes off“? Today was that day. No photo because I like to try to keep some sort of mystique about it all: well, more accurately, I have no idea whether I look good shaved. My two children were absolutely goggle-eyed at the change, but that was kind of expected.
Plus side, though: no itching. Beards itch like nobody’s business. I also look forward to being able to eat BBQ without needing an extra moist towelette for the beard.
Moe Lane
PS: Decided to try to take a picture anyway. ….Yeah, no, I look really weird right now. Younger, but also fatter and kind of red-faced. I tend to be flushed a lot, actually.
I’ve had a beard since long before I met my wife. She told me in no uncertain terms that the beard must stay, as well as the long hair, because she otherwise would not be able to identify me if something untoward were to happen. I suspect she’s exaggerating a bit, but I also don’t want to test that suspicion (or, more accurately, face the consequences when she sees me clean-shaven and short-haired).
Although I’d’a suggested waiting until you’re past winter. You’re in one of those more northern places where winters can get chilly. 🙂
I believe that is called a ‘florid’ complexion.
Feels funny, doesn’t it?
A bit, a bit.
I remember what you looked like pre-beard, and I suspect that the change is throwing you off a little more than is really deserved. You could probably pull off a Falstaff-esque look if you decide to regrow it, though.
I’m sorry to hear that your beard itches. It used to do the same for me in years past, but now it is my default state where possible, partly because it is more comfortable to me than daily shaving. (Theater roles sometimes prevent my bearded state)
I gave up on having a beard when I finally realized that I couldn’t grow one that didn’t make me look like Richard Stallman. I may enjoy the man’s code but I don’t want to look like him.