Quote of the Day, Oh This Is Absolute Bullsh*t edition.

Gimme a break, Juan Soto.

“I’m thankful to be celebrating this with my first beer with these guys,” Soto said Wednesday night, according to MLB.com.

Come on, man. Nobody in This Town is gonna narc on you. You don’t need to pretend.

Moe Lane

PS: Although the ‘these guys’ is good misdirection. Well, it’s also a lie. But it’s still good misdirection.

PPS: 21 as a drinking age is itself bullsh*t, and if I’m ever on a jury somehow where the underage drinking itself is the only crime being tried (and not, say, crimes committed while under the influence of alcohol, which are a different thing altogether), I’m jury nullifying that bullsh*t and it’s the prosecuting attorney’s fault for letting me get impaneled in the first place.

4 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, Oh This Is Absolute Bullsh*t edition.”

  1. It is the ancient prerogative of juries to sit in judgement over the violation of the law, the application of the law, and of the law itself, to see that justice is done.
    But noting this will have the judge dismiss you from the jury pool with extreme prejudice.
    (I was rather looking forward to performing my civic duty. But I didn’t get the chance. Not that it mattered. Had the judge not booted me, it was clear that both prosecuting and defense attorneys wanted me gone. Getting selected would have taken an act of God.)

  2. Is it a violation of the no politics rule to damn Libby Dole?
    (I missed being grandfathered in by two years. A bit over two decades later, I still have strong opinions about that $%^$.)
    On the bright side, I grew barley for Coors, knew people who grew hops, yeast was easy to come by, and I always *did* enjoy learning new skills. (Not to mention that my great grandfather was a moonshiner during Prohibition, so I had a legacy to live up to.)

  3. I remember a college professor’s strategy with juries: if he wanted to be on the jury, he said he taught English; if he didn’t want to be on the jury, he said he taught rhetoric.

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